Think Commands
Common Commands
/bag Removes your current bag. Use the command again to put it back on.
/cameramode Opens a console to take more customized photos around the city.
/e Executes a shortcut for emotes (e.g., /e sit).
/glasses Removes your current glasses. Use the command again to put them back on.
/hat Removes your current hat. Use the command again to put it back on.
/hsp Disables the holographic HUD.
/hsp theme nve Turns the brightness down on the holographic HUD.
/housemenu Opens the menu for your house, allowing for decoration.
/gangmenu Opens menu options for your gang.
/id Displays your player number when someone requests it.
/jobmenu Displays a hotbar on the right side of your screen, allowing you to select available jobs and toggle on/off duty.
/me Displays thought bubbles (e.g., /me coughs).
/mystats Shows your character's stats. For example, your strength increases when you work out.
/nameinradio Customizes your display name on the radio channel.
/pants Removes your current pants. Use the command again to put them back on.
/pmms Plays videos on available screens around the city.
/quit Exits the game.
/radiolist Displays people on your current radio channel.
/reloadskin Refreshes your character model (e.g., if your phone is stuck in your hand, use this to fix it).
/shirt Removes your current shirt. Use the command again to put it back on.
/shoes Removes your current shoes. Use the command again to put them back on.
/vest Removes your current vest. Use the command again to put it back on.
/vehiclemenu Allows you to switch seats, open doors, etc., while inside a vehicle.
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